How To Make Fasting Enjoyable

You might of heard about Intermittent fasting and its amazing benefits but what you are thinking now is how to incorporate into your life so that you won't feel like starving yourself for its amazing health benefits.
The irony of poor placement of feeding window is "Starving yourself for health benefits"
Fasting is the natural way of loosing weight with no side effects.But i recommend you to give your body enough time for this to work and don't expect an overnight weight loss which is not healthy for your health and mind.

There are many supplements which can help you to loose that fat quickly these supplements increase your body temperature thereby pushing more blood to fat storage areas,increased blood flow can aid in fat loss.

Check out my recommended supplement.

Welcome to the no B.S guide to Intermittent fasting
   Start by doing a 12 hour fast for two days then extend it to 13      
   hours fast for the next two days and then a 14 hour fast for the 
   next two days and then extending the fast to your target.
  (Don't go balls to the walls from the first day,give your body the   
  time it requires to adjust itself to the new eating habits)

  If your body fat percentage is less than 10,you can do a 16 hour 
  fast and if your body fat percentage is greater than 14,you can do 
  an 18 hour or 20 hour fast.
  (If you have more fat percentage,then your body have enough fat     storage which it can burn for energy)

  Fasting for more than 48 hours can cause your body to burn   
  muscle for energy and i do not recommend you to do that.
 (Only if you care about your hard earned muscle gains)

I recommend you to fast between 9 pm to 1 pm the next day.
Everyone loves to have a filled stomach when they go to bed and most of us will be having a lunch break at about 1 pm.
After many trial and error,this is the perfect time period that works for most of us.

I have become a coffee lover as it helps me to suppress my hunger and it also helps me to extend my fasting period.
Drink a glass of black coffee at about 10 am which can really help you to fast upto 1 pm the next day.

Fasting won't give you overnight weight loss or fat loss especially if you have a higher fat percentage but it will work.Just give your body the time and concentrate on getting stronger in the gym.You will start to see the difference in about two to three months.

Your body is an amazing machine,it is programmed to adjust itself to anything that you throw at it but if you go balls to the walls from the first day then you will not be able to reach your fitness goals. 


Please comment and let me know about your fasting journey!
How To Make Fasting Enjoyable How To Make Fasting Enjoyable Reviewed by Unknown on 21:34:00 Rating: 5

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