Intermittent Fasting HowTO


Fasting is not starving it is just eating all your daily calories in a given time period and then giving your body enough time to burn fat.
Intermittent Fasting or IF is not a diet it is just a time period within which you eat all your macros and for the rest of the time you don’t eat food, you can do any forms of dieting (the regular fat loss or carb cycling) with Intermittent Fasting. Many people think that Intermittent Fasting is starving for longer periods of time to get skinny; you can get skinny if you are on a calorie deficit and you don’t have to do Intermittent Fasting for that but with IF you are giving your body enough time to burn stored fat which gives you faster fat loss results and this also relieves you from eating small meals throughout the day. Intermittent Fasting is the natural way of burning fat without any side effects but like any other natural process it takes time. You need to give it at least two months of time to see noticeable changes in your body.
Whenever you eat at a calorific surplus your body won’t be able to burn all those calories so it stores the remaining calories as fat around your body. Your body is a fat storing machine and it is kind of a survival mechanism that it can use this stored energy when you don’t eat food for longer periods of time.

What happens when you eat food?
Your body is so happy that it won’t have to burn fat for energy because you are providing it the energy it requires by consuming food. When you keep on eating six to seven small meals throughout the day your body is getting the energy from the food you consume so it doesn’t have to go to those fat storage.
Think of our ancestors who went for hunting in an empty stomach and returned back to their caves at night with food so that they can eat that in one sitting and go back to sleep in a full stomach.

Won’t sleeping with a full stomach make me fat?
No, no matter when you eat your food if you are on a calorific deficit you will lose weight. That is why cave men looked ripped with six pack abs. They ate food at night or they ate food when they got food to eat. But you don’t have to live like a caveman you can just do 16 hours of fast to get the benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
After some time these cave men started having some leftover food because they started hunting for more food so they thought without consuming this all at night let’s just split it into three small meals and that is how our famous three small meals and six small meals plan came into this industry thereby killing the body’s natural way of burning fat.
Many actors like Hugh Jackman for the movie “Wolverine”  and Chris Hemsworth for the movie  “In The Heart Of the Sea” lost a lot of weight by doing intermittent fasting and I believe many actors like Christian Bale lost weight because of doing Intermittent Fasting but they did not tell the world about this because it was considered unhealthy at that time.

The Intermittent Fasting protocol that I recommend you is 16:8 where you fast for 16 hours of time and then eat food in the remaining 8 hours of time. When you eat food your body can produce energy from that for a period of 6 hours and after that it goes to your glycogen stores in your muscles and kidneys and once that gets depleted it goes into your fat storage for burning fat for energy.

Note: Don’t fast for more than 48 hours of time because then your body goes into catabolism and starts burning your muscle for energy.
Intermittent Fasting HowTO Intermittent Fasting HowTO Reviewed by Unknown on 11:48:00 Rating: 5

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